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10 Amazing Facts which will blow your mind

Welcome Everyone to our interesting section about Facts. Today in the first article I will be telling some very amazing facts.

1) No matter how a big number is, it is always closer to zero than infinity.

2) If you keep going north, you will eventually go south but, if you keep going east you will never go       west.

3) It almost take 21 days to bulid a habit and 90 days to build a lifestyle.

4) Only 10% of the population is Left-Handed.

5) Scientists are creating glow in the dark trees to replace street lights.

5) Red irritated eyes after swimming, in a pool isn't caused bu chlorine its caused by Urine.

6) A person can't read or see the time while dreaming.

7) Most of the time the strangers which you see in your dreams are the persons whom you have seen       in your real life.

8) One of the common nightmare in both adults and kids is getting chased by a monster. Other                 includes, Losing your loved ones,getting lost, falling and drowning.

9) The Lightest solid material created is Graphene Aerogel.

10) In Turkmenistan, Water,gas and electricity has been free since 1991. 




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