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Mysterious Coincidences that actually happenned

In our daily life whatever happens to us, we tried to connect that to our destiny. Apart from that whenever we encounter some unusual thing whose clarification can't be given we name that as coincidence. In this article, I will be telling you some of the very mysterious coincidences.

1) Falling Babies:
In the city of Detroit of state of Michigan in 1937 a woman was holding her baby on her arm in some building near the window and somehow the felt outside the window but by coincidence there was a man standing on the street named Joseph Figlock and that baby felt on him due to which the baby didn't get hurt.

After one year in the same building, a baby was playing in the balcony and he also fell down from that balcony and again that baby was caught by the same person Joseph Figlock.

So the presence of the same man at the same time is actually a very interesting coincidence.

2) Hugh Williams:
In the year 1664, an open ship was caught inside the sea waves in Menai Strait Sea and that ship got sunk in the sea. All the people who were present in the ship died except one man Hugh Williams.

Again in the year 1785, another ship drowned in the sea. Out of 60 people present on the ship, 59 died and the sole survivor was left and his name was also Hugh Williams.

For the third time in the year 1820, another ship drowned in the Menai Strait Sea.  Out of 29 people present on the ship, 28 died and the sole survivor was left and his name was also Hugh Williams.

For the fourth time in the year 1920, another ship drowned by collision with  German mine. All the people died on the ship except two people and the name of both the persons was Hugh Williams.

3) Twin Tragedy:
In the year 1975, a man met with an accident with a taxi while he was traveling somewhere on his bike and the man died in this accident.

After one the younger brother of that man repaired the bike and he went for test drive. He also met with an accident on the same location with the same taxi as his brother. Another interesting thing is that both the times the passenger and driver in the taxi was the same.

4) Royal Coincidence:
In the city Monza of Italy in the year 1864 the royal king Umberto I  went to a small restaurant with his friends. For taking their order a waiter came the king noticed that the waiter was looking exactly like him and after talking to the waiter he found out that they both were born on the same day in the year 1844 in the same city and both married the women name, Margarita.

 Also when the king was crowned on the same day the waiter opened his restaurant. On 19 July 1990 King Umberto came to know his look-alike was killed and he decides to go to his departure ceremony but he was also killed on the way




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